
Blog posts on .NET, Azure, and more.

Improve Angular performance with Gzip compression on Azure Storage

May 05, 2022 by Anuraj

Angular Azure

This post is about improving Angular application performance with the help of GZip encoding when hosting the application in Azure Blob Storage.

Implementing Rate Limiting in ASP.NET Core Web API

April 24, 2022 by Anuraj


This post is about implementing Rate Limiting in ASP.NET Core Web API. Rate Limiting is the process of controlling the number of requests for a resource within a specific time window. Each unique user/IP address/client will have a limitation on the number of requests to an API endpoint.

Introducing Azure Load Testing

April 17, 2022 by Anuraj

Azure LoadTesting Performance

This post is about Azure Load Testing - Azure Load Testing is a fully managed Azure service that enables developers and testers to generate high-scale load with custom Apache JMeter scripts and gain actionable insights to catch and fix performance bottlenecks at scale. In this post I will explain how to get create an Azure Load Testing resource and execute it with Azure portal. Azure Load Testing helps us to execute Apache JMeter Tests - I already created one using Apache JMeter - You can checkout this blog post on how to create one.

How to secure Azure Functions with Azure Active Directory B2C

April 16, 2022 by Anuraj

Azure Functions Serverless

This post is about securing Azure Functions with Azure Active Directory B2C. First we need to create an application in Azure B2C. We can do this opening Azure B2C tenant and click on the Applications menu. Next click on the New Registration button. And in the screen provide name, select the Account type as Accounts in any identity provider or organizational directory (for authenticating users with user flows), configure the redirect URL as - it is because I will be getting the token from this website and using the token I am accessing the azure function, keep the check on Grant admin consent to openid and offline_access permissions option under permissions.

Block Azure B2C Users with Microsoft Graph and ASP.NET Core

April 04, 2022 by Anuraj

Azure AspNetCore

This post is about blocking Azure B2C users with Microsoft Graph and ASP.NET Core. We can use Azure B2C as an identity provider. We got a requirement like application administrators need an option to block the users from signing in to the application via Azure B2C. Here is the solution we found. Since we are storing the user’s object Id in the database along with some properties we are showing the list of users from the database. And we are calling the Graph API from our controller. To do this first we need to create an Azure B2C application. We need to note the ClientId and TenantId details.

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