
Blog posts on .NET, Azure, and more.

How to Build an Email Sentiment Analysis Bot - Using Azure Functions

March 14, 2021 by Anuraj

Azure Serverless Cognitive Services

This is part two of the post on building an Email Sentiment Analysis Bot with the help of Azure Serverless tools and Azure Cognitive Services. In the earlier post Logic Apps were using. In this post you will learn how to use Azure Functions instead of Logic Apps.

How to Build an Email Sentiment Analysis Bot - Using Logic Apps

March 13, 2021 by Anuraj

Azure Serverless Cognitive Services

This article discuss about how to build an Email Sentiment Analysis Bot with the help of Azure Serverless tools and Azure Cognitive Services. You can build such tool by writing code with the help of Azure Functions and with no code using Azure Logic Apps. In this post you can find the implementation using Azure Logic Apps, in the next post, you will be able to find the same implementation using Azure Functions.

Generating HTTP API clients using dotnet tools and Visual Studio Connected Services

March 09, 2021 by Anuraj

DotNetCore VisualStudio TypeScript

This article discuss about generating HTTP API clients using dotnet tools and Visual Studio Connected Services. From .NET 5.0 onwards ASP.NET Core Web API template comes with Open API support. So when you create a new web api project, Open API is enabled by default. To generate client you can use dotnet CLI and Visual Studio. So firstly you need to create a ASP.NET Core Web API project. And verify swagger is enabled and it is working as expected. Next you can look into the client generation options.

Uploading Files With ASP.NET Core and Angular

March 04, 2021 by Anuraj

Angular AspNetCore

This article discuss about uploading files from an Angular application to ASP.NET Core backend. First you need to create an ASP.NET Core Angular project. Once it is done, you need to create an angular component. And then you can modify the backend implementation.

Deploy a Docker image to an Azure Container Instance

March 02, 2021 by Anuraj

Azure Docker AspNetCore

This article discuss about how to Deploy a Docker image to an Azure Container Instance. Azure Container Instance aka ACI helps you to run your Docker image in Azure. So to deploy the Docker image to Azure, first you need publish your Docker image to a container registry then you can connect the Container Instance to the registry and deploy the image.

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