
Blog posts on .NET, Azure, and more.

Building COVID 19 FAQ ChatBot using Azure Cognitive Services and Azure Bot Framework

June 06, 2020 by Anuraj

Azure CognitiveServices BotFramework Covid19 AzureDevStories

The whole world is fighting against the Novel Corona Virus or COVID 19. One of the major challenges the world faces is fake news. The WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus had said in February itself, “We are not just fighting an epidemic; we are fighting an infodemic.”. Many organizations like WHO, CDC etc publish information and answers to frequently asked questions that can be accessed through their websites. But most of the times it is hard to find answers to specific questions.

Building a Zoom Bot with ASP.NET Core

May 17, 2020 by Anuraj

aspnetcore bot zoom

This post is about how to create a Zoom bot with ASP.NET Core. Zoom is a collaboration solution by Zoom Communications Inc. In the Zoom developer documentation, they are implemented a Chat bot using Nodejs. In this post I am explaining how to implement a simple chatbot using ASP.NET Core.

Building mailinator clone using SendGrid and ASP.NET Core

May 10, 2020 by Anuraj

aspnetcore sendgrid

This post is about how to create a mailinator clone using SendGrid Inbound parse webhooks and ASP.NET Core. Mailinator is a service which offers dynamic email inbox for testing purposes. In this post I am creating a similar service using SendGrid Inbound parse webhooks - which helps to listen for incoming emails. To start you need a SendGrid account. Once you create a SendGrid account, you need to authenticate a domain. For this post I have created an SendGrid account from Azure portal. You can create Authenticated domains from this Page. Next open your Inbound parse settings, you can get it from Settings > Inbound Parse or Inbound Parse Settings. Next you need to add your receiving domain and Webhook URL.

Adding Chrome push notifications to web applications

May 07, 2020 by Anuraj

Desktop Notification Push Notification

This post is about how to create and consume Chrome push notifications in Web Applications. Push notifications helps application developers to build more engaging apps for the users.

Introduction to Microsoft DevSkim

March 22, 2020 by Anuraj

DevSkim VisualStudio

This post is about Microsoft DevSkim. DevSkim is a framework of IDE extensions and Language analyzers that provide inline security analysis in the dev environment as the developer writes code. It is designed to work with multiple IDEs (VS, VS Code, Sublime Text, etc.), and has a flexible rule model that supports multiple programming languages.

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