
Blog posts on .NET, Azure, and more.

Working with Azure App Configuration in ASP.NET Core

November 16, 2019 by Anuraj

ASPNET Core Azure

This post is about Azure App Configuration and how to use it with ASP.NET Core applications. Azure App Configuration service helps developers to manage application settings and feature flags centrally for the applications running on cloud. Use App Configuration to store all the settings for your application and secure their accesses in one place. You can find more details about Azure App Configuration from What is Azure App Configuration?

Customize Create and initialize field option in Visual Studio Code and Visual Studio

November 13, 2019 by Anuraj

VisualStudio VSCode Visual Studio Code

This post is Customize Create and initialize field refactoring option in Visual Studio Code and Visual Studio. When you add a parameter to a constructor, VS Code and Visual Studio gives an option to Create and initialize field. But if you haven’t configured any custom naming conventions, it will create field with same name and in the constructor it will load using the this. prefix.

How to use Bootstrap style validation in ASP.NET Core

October 20, 2019 by Anuraj

ASPNET Core Bootstrap

This post is about using Bootstrap 4 style validation in ASP.NET Core. By default ASP.NET Core validation messages will be displayed in the bottom of the invalid control. And even if we are using bootstrap, the validation styles won’t be applied. In this post I will explain how to configure Bootstrap validation styles to ASP.NET Core.

Write your first GitHub action - Part 3

September 01, 2019 by Anuraj

CI GitHub Actions ASPNET Core

In the last post we learned about deploying a NuGet package to using dotnet nuget push command. In this post, we will learn how to deploy an ASP.NET Core Web API application to Azure App Service.

Write your first GitHub action - Part 2

August 25, 2019 by Anuraj

CI GitHub Actions ASPNET Core

In the last post we learned about working with GitHub actions and creating a CI workflow for our dotnet core application. In this post, we will learn how to deploy the middleware to using dotnet nuget push command.

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