Blog posts on .NET, Azure, and more.
What's new in Visual Studio 2019 Preview
December 07, 2018 by Anuraj
VisualStudio 2019 Preview VisualStudio
Visual Studio 2019 Preview includes many general improvements along with new features that optimize developer productivity and team collaboration. This post is about few major features Visual Studio 2019 Preview.
IntelliCode for Visual Studio
December 07, 2018 by Anuraj
IntelliCode Visual Studio
Visual Studio IntelliCode is a new tool that enhances software development using artificial intelligence. IntelliCode helps developers and teams code with confidence, focus code reviews, and find issues faster. This post is about working with Visual Studio IntelliCode. IntelliCode comes as an extension in both Visual Studio and Visual Studio code.
How To Map Custom Domain To Azure Web App
December 02, 2018 by Anuraj
This post is about how To Map Custom Domain To Azure Web App. By default azure web app comes with a In this post I am explaining how to map a custom domain to an azure web app.
How display application version in ASP.NET Core
November 25, 2018 by Anuraj
Most enterprise application soon or latter, have a requirement to trace out the version of a currently running application. This post shows how to display application version in a web app and how to increment it as part of build process.
How deploy ASP.NET Core preview versions to Azure App Service
November 15, 2018 by Anuraj
Azure ASP.NET Core
This post is about how to deploy ASP.NET Core preview versions in Azure app service.
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