
Blog posts on .NET, Azure, and more.

Measuring code coverage of .NET Core applications with Visual Studio 2017

January 17, 2018 by Anuraj

.NET Core Code coverage Visual Studio

This post is about Measuring code coverage of .NET Core applications with Visual Studio. Test coverage is a measure used to describe the degree to which the source code of a program is executed when a particular test suite runs. A program with high test coverage, measured as a percentage, has had more of its source code executed during testing which suggests it has a lower chance of containing undetected software bugs compared to a program with low test coverage.

Building Progressive Web apps with ASP.NET Core

January 08, 2018 by Anuraj

ASP.NET Core PWA Progressive Web App

This post is about building Progressive Web Apps or PWA with ASP.NET Core. Progressive Web App (PWA) are web applications that are regular web pages or websites, but can appear to the user like traditional applications or native mobile applications. The application type attempts to combine features offered by most modern browsers with the benefits of mobile experience.

How to launch different browsers from VS Code for debugging ASP.NET Core

January 01, 2018 by Anuraj

ASP.NET Core VSCode Debugging CodeProject

This post is about launching different browsers from VSCode, while debugging ASP.NET Core. By default when debugging an ASP.NET Core, VS Code will launch default browser. There is way to choose the browser you would like to use. Here is the code snippet which will add different debug configuration to VS Code.

Runtime bundling and Minification in ASP.NET Core with Smidge

December 20, 2017 by Anuraj

ASP.NET Core Bundling Minification Smidge

This post is about enabling bundling and minification in ASP.NET Core with Smidge. Long back I wrote a post about bundling and minification in ASP.NET Core. But it was during the compile time or while publishing the app. But Smidge helps you to enable bundling and minification in runtime similar to earlier versions of ASP.NET MVC.

Connecting Localdb using Sql Server Management Studio

December 20, 2017 by Anuraj

Sql Server LocalDb SSMS

This post is about connecting and managing SQL Server LocalDB instances with Sql Server Management Studio. While working on an ASP.NET Core web application, I was using LocalDB, but when I tried to connect to it and modifying the data, but I couldn’t find it. Later after exploring little I found one way of doing it.

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