
Blog posts on .NET, Azure, and more.

Running PHP on .NET Core with Peachpie

July 26, 2017 by Anuraj

ASP.NET Core PHP Peachpie

This post is about running PHP on .NET Core with Peachpie. Peachpie is an open source PHP Compiler to .NET. This innovative compiler allows you to run existing PHP applications with the performance, speed, security and interoperability of .NET.

Send Mail Using SendGrid In .NET Core

July 16, 2017 by Anuraj

ASP.NET Core SendGrid

This post is about sending emails using Send Grid API in .NET Core. SendGrid is a cloud-based SMTP provider that allows you to send email without having to maintain email servers. SendGrid manages all of the technical details, from scaling the infrastructure to ISP outreach and reputation monitoring to whitelist services and real time analytics.

ASP.NET Core Gravatar Tag Helper

July 11, 2017 by Anuraj

ASP.NET Core Gravatar TagHelper

This post is about creating a tag helper in ASP.NET Core for displaying Gravatar images based on the email address. Your Gravatar is an image that follows you from site to site appearing beside your name when you do things like comment or post on a blog.

ASP.NET Core No authentication handler is configured to handle the scheme Cookies

June 28, 2017 by Anuraj


This post is about ASP.NET Core authentication, which throws an InvalidOperationException - No authentication handler is configured to handle the scheme Cookies. In ASP.NET Core 1.x version, the runtime will throw this exception when you are running ASP.NET Cookie authentication. This can be fixed by setting options.AutomaticChallenge = true in the Configure method.

How to Deploy Multiple Apps on Azure WebApps

June 23, 2017 by Anuraj

Azure Web App Azure

This post is about deploying multiple applications on an Azure Web App. App Service Web Apps is a fully managed compute platform that is optimized for hosting websites and web applications. This platform-as-a-service (PaaS) offering of Microsoft Azure lets you focus on your business logic while Azure takes care of the infrastructure to run and scale your apps.

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