
Blog posts on .NET, Azure, and more.

How to develop universal apps for IoT device

August 24, 2015 by Anuraj

.Net IoT Miscellaneous Visual Studio Windows Phone

This post is about developing apps for your IoT device. In the last post I mentioned about installing and booting Windows IoT core on Raspberry PI 2. In this post we will look into the application development for IoT devices.

Installing Windows 10 IoT core to RasberryPI 2

August 23, 2015 by Anuraj

IoT Miscellaneous Visual Studio

At //Build 2015, Microsoft demonstrated a version of Windows running on a Raspberry Pi 2 board. Last month Microsoft released Windows 10 officially. This post is about installing and booting Windows 10 IoT core.

K-MUG TechDay 22nd August 2015 Kochi

August 18, 2015 by Anuraj

.Net Miscellaneous User Group Activities

This month’s K-MUG TechDay is planned for Saturday, 23 August 2015 at ORION India Systems, Infopark venue.

Build your own ASP.NET 5 tag helper

August 09, 2015 by Anuraj

.Net ASP.Net ASP.Net MVC HTML5 Javascript

Few days back I wrote a post on ASP.NET 5 Tag Helpers, this post is about building your own tag helper. As the first step you need to inherit from TagHelper class, which is available in “Microsoft.AspNet.Razor.Runtime.TagHelpers” namespace. TagHelper is an abstract class and contains virtual methods i.e. Process and ProcessAsync to facilitate both synchronous and asynchronous code execution that can be overridden in your custom Tag Helper class. ProcessAsync is the asynchronous method that we can use if we need to do some long operations. Both these methods has two parameters TagHelperContext and TagHelperOutput.

Creating ASP.NET 5 Web Application using Yeoman Generator

July 29, 2015 by Anuraj

.Net ASP.Net ASP.Net MVC HTML5 Javascript Web API

In this post we will explore the ASP.NET 5 Yeoman generator. What is Yeoman? Yeoman is a set of tools that facilitates building web applications. To use Yeoman, you need to install nodejs and yo package. So here is the installation steps for ASP.NET 5 Yeoman generator.

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