
Blog posts on .NET, Azure, and more.

What is new in C# 6.0

October 17, 2014 by Anuraj

.Net ASP.Net Visual Studio

Today I got a chance to look into C# 6.0 features. Thanks to ORTIA(Technology innovation division of Orion India Systems), for providing me the MSDN subscription. :)

Introduction to SCRUM - Slides

October 16, 2014 by Anuraj

Miscellaneous Scrum

Find the slides I have used in today’s session on SCRUM.

Force .NET application to run in 32bit process

October 06, 2014 by Anuraj

.Net .Net 3.0 / 3.5 .Net 4.0 ASP.Net ASP.Net MVC Visual Studio

Due to lack of 64 bit version of few COM libararies, we faced a situation to run our AnyCPU application into 32 bit. You can do this either by setting the Platform target or by using the corflags command.

How extension method works in .Net

October 05, 2014 by Anuraj

.Net .Net 3.0 / 3.5 Visual Studio

What is extension method

Why you shouldn't believe in your favorite .net decompiler

October 04, 2014 by Anuraj

.Net .Net 4.0 CodeProject Miscellaneous Visual Studio

Yesterday I posted about explicit interface implementation. I was curious about to know how CLR treats Explicit interface implementation. I looked into the generated IL code using IL DASM, and it was pretty similar to C# code I wrote. So I thought of reverse engineering the assembly. I verified the assembly with five .net decompilers. And only two provided the compilable code. Here is the .Net decompilers I used.

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