
Blog posts on .NET, Azure, and more.

How to run EF Core migrations from Docker

July 24, 2024 by Anuraj

Docker dotnet EFCore

In this blog post, we’ll learn how to run EF Core migrations from Docker. One of the project I am working we had to deploy database changes to MySql Server using Docker. In this post we will explore various approaches to deploy database schema changes using Docker. In this project, all our model classes and dbcontext class is in a class library - not as part of the web API application.

Running Open Web UI locally with Ollama

July 13, 2024 by Anuraj

Docker AI Ollama

In this blog post, we’ll learn how to install and run Open Web UI using Docker. Open WebUI is an extensible, feature-rich, and user-friendly self-hosted WebUI designed to operate entirely offline. It supports various LLM runners, including Ollama and OpenAI-compatible APIs.

How to Install and Run Ollama with Docker

July 11, 2024 by Anuraj

Docker AI Ollama

In this blog post, we’ll learn how to install and run Ollama with Docker. Ollama is a platform designed to streamline the development, deployment, and scaling of machine learning models. It aims to simplify the entire lifecycle of machine learning projects by providing tools and services that help with data preparation, model training, and deployment.

Using Mongo DB EF Core provider in .NET Aspire

July 01, 2024 by Anuraj

AspNetCore DotNet MongoDB EFCore

In this blog post, we’ll learn how we can use Mongo DB EF Core provider in .NET Aspire. Long back I wrote a blog post on how to use Mongo database in .NET Aspire project and how to use Mongo DB EF Core provider. By default in .NET Aspire the IMongoClient interface will be injected in ASP.NET Core which we can be used in controllers and service to interact with Mongo Database.

ASP.NET Core Web API documentation with Redoc

June 26, 2024 by Anuraj

AspNetCore DotNet WebApi Documentation

In this blog post, we’ll learn how we can use Redoc for UI for Open API documentation. By default ASP.NET Core Web API Open API documentation will be displayed in Swagger UI. In this blog I will explain how we can change it to ReDoc and how we can enhance API documentation in ReDoc with code examples.

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