Consuming a GraphQL API with Angular

March 10, 2022 by Anuraj

Azure AspNetCore Angular GraphQL

This post is about consuming a GraphQL API with an Angular application. For this post I am using a Azure Function with GraphQL - I already wrote a blog post - Create Azure Functions with GraphQL Support.

I created the Azure function using the HotChocolate Templates. You can install the template using dotnet new -i HotChocolate.Templates command. And then create the function using dotnet new graphql-azf command. In the function code, I added the Query class and here is the whole function code.

Here is the Startup.cs class.

[assembly: FunctionsStartup(typeof(Startup))]

public class Startup : FunctionsStartup
    public override void Configure(IFunctionsHostBuilder builder)

And the Query.cs class file.

public class Query
    public IQueryable<Link> Links => new List<Link>
        new Link
            Id = 1,
            Url = "",
            Title = "Example",
            Description = "This is an example link",
            ImageUrl = "",
            Tags = new List<Tag> { new Tag(){ Name = "Example" } },
            CreatedOn = DateTime.Now

And finally here is the GraphQLFunction class.

public class GraphQLFunction
    public Task<IActionResult> Run(
        [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", "post", Route = "graphql/{**slug}")] 
        HttpRequest request,
        IGraphQLRequestExecutor executor)
        => executor.ExecuteAsync(request);

Now we are ready with the Azure Function, we can run it using func start --cors "*" --csharp command. The CORS flag is required otherwise Angular will not able to access the GraphQL endpoint.

Next let us create an Angular Application. For demo purposes I am creating it like this - ng new App --minimal --skip-tests. This will create an Angular application with the name App. Next we need to add different packages which required to consume GraphQL endpoint, we are using a client package Apollo Angular. We can run this command to install the packages - npm install apollo-angular @apollo/client graphql. In their documentation they mentioned to install this using ng add apollo-angular, but due to some reason it didn’t worked for me.

Next we need to modify the tsconfig.json, we need to include es2020 inside compilerOptions if it not available. It is required because the @apollo/client package requires AsyncIterable. And next we need to modify the app.module.ts like this.

import {HttpClientModule} from '@angular/common/http';
import {ApolloModule, APOLLO_OPTIONS} from 'apollo-angular';
import {HttpLink} from 'apollo-angular/http';
import {InMemoryCache} from '@apollo/client/core';

  declarations: [
  imports: [
  providers: [
      provide: APOLLO_OPTIONS,
      useFactory: (httpLink: HttpLink) => {
        return {
          cache: new InMemoryCache(),
          link: httpLink.create({
            uri: 'http://localhost:7071/api/graphql/',
      deps: [HttpLink],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

In the httpLink.create method, we need to configure the GraphQL endpoint - our Azure Function endpoint. Now we can use the Apollo service in the angular components. In this post I am querying the graphql endpoint. In the app.component.ts, we can write code like this.

export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
links: any[] = [];
isLoading = true;
isError: any;
constructor(private apollo: Apollo) {}
ngOnInit(): void {
    query: gql`
        links {
  .valueChanges.subscribe((result: any) => {
    this.links = result?.data?.links;
    this.isLoading = result.loading;
    this.isError = result.error;

In this code, the apollo service is injected via constructor and consumed in the ngOnInit. We can use the gql object to create queries. Both Apollo and gql classes are part of apollo-angular module which should be included in the code. And the data can be displayed in the UI using the ngFor. Here is an example.

  selector: 'app-root',
  template: `
    <div *ngIf="isLoading">
    <div *ngIf="isError">
      Error :( Something went wrong.
    <div *ngIf="links">
      <table border="1">
          <tr *ngFor="let link of links">
            <td>{{ link.title }}</td><td>{{ link.url }}</td>
  styles: []

This way GraphQL can be consumed in Angular. Other GraphQL operations can be implemented similar way. Subscriptions maintain a persistent connection, they can’t use the default HTTP transport that Apollo Client uses for queries and mutations. Instead, Apollo Client subscriptions most commonly communicate over WebSocket, via the community-maintained subscriptions-transport-ws library.

Happy Programming :)

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