How to detect MS Excel installed on the system
July 01, 2013 by Anuraj
.Net .Net 3.0 / 3.5 .Net 4.0
Today I faced an issue, I want to open an excel file from a Windows application; before opening the file, I want to verify that MS Excel installed on the system. I found a solution using registry from MSDN.
Here is the code snippet.
//14.0 is the version of the office installed.
var key = @"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Common\InstallRoot\";
var installRoot = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(key, false);
if (installRoot != null)
//This will return the installation folder.
var installedPath = installRoot.GetValue("Path");
But the problem with the source code is I need to know the office versions, and can identify exactly which versions are installed.
And here is the office version information.
**Office Version** | **Version Number** |
Office 2000 | 9.0 |
Office XP | 10.0 |
Office 2003 | 11.0 |
Office 2007 | 12.0 |
Office 2010 | 14.0 |
Office 2013 | 15.0 |
I don’t want to know the version of the excel installed. I just want to open a XLS file created by the application. Later I found another code snippet which will return whether Excel installed or not. Here is the code snippet.
var excelApplication = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("Excel.Application");
if (null == excelApplication)
//Excel not installed.
Happy Programming
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