Blog posts on .NET, Azure, and more.
Improve application startup time with EF Core compiled models
March 23, 2023 by Anuraj
AspNetCore EFCore
This post is about improving EF Core performance with compiled models. EF Core compiled models feature introduced in EF Core 6.0 which will provide both better startup performance, as well as generally better performance when accessing the model. This feature is very useful when you’re using very large models with relationships.
Improving EF Core performance with Compiled Queries
February 15, 2023 by Anuraj
AspNetCore EFCore
This post is about improving EF Core performance with Compiled queries. From EF Core 2.0 onwards, EF Core supports compiled queries, which helps developers to compile the queries in advance and executed when application executes the query. By default EF Core automatically compiles and caches your queries using a hashed representation of the query expression - when the code runs the previously executed query, EF Core lookup the cache with the hash value and returns the compiled query from the cache. We can explicitly compile the query upfront and invoke the compiled query. To compile the query, EF Core exposes two extension methods in EF class - EF.CompileQuery() and EF.CompileAsyncQuery(). These methods helps us to create compiled queries and call them using a delegate.
Implementing CRUD operations with ASP.NET Core Web API and Mongo DB
January 14, 2023 by Anuraj
AspNetCore MongoDb MinimalAPI WebApi
This post is about implementing CRUD operations with ASP.NET Core Web API and Mongo DB. In this post I am using a nuget package with the name MongoFramework - which is an Entity Framework like implementation for MongoDb. I am following the schema and implementation of the Microsoft Learn documentation about Create a web API with ASP.NET Core and MongoDB.
Implementing Authentication in Azure Static Web Apps - Part 2
January 13, 2023 by Anuraj
Azure Security Static Web Apps
In the last post we discussed about implementing the authentication in Static Web App Free Plan. For Standard plan, we can use our own client Id and client secret of the social provider. Using your own client Id and client secret will help you to avoid the Azure concent screen once you logged into the app. Something like this.
Implementing Authentication in Azure Static Web Apps - Part 1
January 10, 2023 by Anuraj
Azure Security Static Web Apps
This post is about implementing authentication in Azure Static Web Apps. Azure Static Web Apps is a service that automatically builds and deploys full stack web apps to Azure from a code repository. Similar to Azure App Service, Azure Static Web App offers authentication out of the box. The service offers five authentication providers - Azure AD, Twitter, GitHub, Google, and Facebook, out of the five, two of them, Google and Facebook are in preview mode. In this post we will explore the Static web app running on Free Plan. For Standard plan we need to configure the social provider client Id, client secret and callback URIs. For Free plan there is no configuration required.
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