
Blog posts on .NET, Azure, and more.

Monitor Azure WebJobs status with Azure Application Insights

February 08, 2021 by Anuraj

Azure ApplicationInsights Monitoring

This article shows you how to monitor Azure WebJobs using Azure Application Insights. WebJobs is a feature of Azure App Service that enables you to run a program or script in the same instance as a web app, API app, or mobile app. There is no additional cost to use WebJobs. If you’re using Azure WebJobs monitoring WebJobs is little hard. You might need to login into Kudu and need to check the status. Recently I had to implement a solution which helps me to monitor Azure WebJobs. Basically by monitoring Web Jobs I wanted to verify whether the service is able to complete the operation successfully or it is still running or it is failed. In this post I am using Azure Application Insights and Kudu REST API to monitor the availability of the Web Jobs. You will be using the Availability feature of Application Insights with the help of MultiStep tests.

Azure App Service - Enable the Health Check

February 07, 2021 by Anuraj

Azure AppService

This article shows you what is App Service Health Check feature and how to enable it. This feature will help you to improve the availability of your Azure App Service. You can increase the availability and throughput by scaling the app into multiple instances. But what will happen due to some exceptions one of your app becomes faulty and not responding? This feature helps you to configure an endpoint, in which system will ping on configured intervals, if an app service instance fails to respond to this ping, system remove the instance from your load balancer. This feature introduced in Azure App service in 2019 and now it is Generally Available and ready for production applications.

Managing Azure App Service SSL Certificate with Azure Key Vault

February 05, 2021 by Anuraj

Azure AppService Azure KeyVault

In my last blog post I wrote about working with SSL certificate in Azure App Service. In this article I will explain how to manage Azure App Service SSL certificates with Azure Key Vault Service. If you’re running SAAS applications on Azure App Service with custom domains and SSL certificates it is quite complicated. Here is a screenshot of an App Service running a SAAS app with custom domain and SSL certificates.

Working with SSL Certificate in Azure App Service

February 04, 2021 by Anuraj

Azure AppService

This article shows you how to work with SSL certificates in Azure App Service. Last year I wrote a blog post on how to use Azure App Service managed certificates. If you’re using App service managed certificates, you don’t need to worry about the expiry, it will get renewed automatically by Azure. If you’re using custom domain names for Azure App service you will be able to configure SSL certificates to the custom domain name. To create custom TLS/SSL bindings for your App Service app, your App Service plan must be in the Basic, Standard, Premium, or Isolated tier.

A/B Testing with Azure App Service

January 29, 2021 by Anuraj

Azure AppService A/B Testing

A/B Testing feature helps you to test new website content, processes, workflows, etc. by routing the traffic into multiple slots. At a very high level, you route your users into different two deployments of code and measure the success of each version of the site based on your requirements. Azure App Service helps us to set up it very quickly with the help of Deployment Slots.

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