Blog posts on .NET, Azure, and more.
Building Sql Server Database projects with dotnet CLI
December 14, 2023 by Anuraj
DotNet SqlServer Azure
This post is about creating sql server database using dotnet CLI.
Integrate OpenAI API in ASP.NET Core
November 28, 2023 by Anuraj
DotNet OpenAI Azure
This post is about integrating Open AI API in ASP.NET Core. We can integrate Open AI using REST API and using Open AI SDK.
Creating Microsoft Teams Applications with Visual Studio and .NET
November 25, 2023 by Anuraj
DotNet Teams VisualStudio
This post is about creating Microsoft Teams applications with Visual Studio and .NET. For creating Microsoft Teams applications, I am using the Teams Toolkit - which will make teams apps development simple. It is available in VS Code as well. We also require Microsoft 365 Developer account which we can create free.
Create a web API with ASP.NET Core and MongoDB
October 24, 2023 by Anuraj
AspNetCore WebApi MongoDB EFCore
This post is about configuring Mongo DB and creating ASP.NET Core Web API to work with Mongo DB using MongoDB.EntityFrameworkCore nuget package. Recently MongoDB team announced a EF Core provider for MongoDB. Earlier this year I blogged about MongoDB and ASP.NET Core using MongoFramework nuget package. In this blog post we are using MongoDB.EntityFrameworkCore nuget package which is from MongoDB.
Working with dotnet8 projects in Visual Studio 2022
October 09, 2023 by Anuraj
VisualStudio dotnet
Recently Microsoft released .NET 8.0 RC. And when we try to load a .NET 8 Web API project in Visual Studio - we will get a message like this. - The current Visual Studio version does not support targeting .NET 8.0. Either target .NET 7.0 or lower, or use Visual Studio version 17.8 or higher.
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