
Blog posts on .NET, Azure, and more.

How to Send Emails from ASP.NET Core

May 09, 2016 by Anuraj

C# ASPNET5 ASPNET Core Email MailKit

This post is about sending emails from ASP.NET Core using MailKit nuget package. In ASP.NET Github repository, there was one issue (1006) for Add SmtpClient support in ASPNET Core. And there was some implementation, which uses TcpClient to send email from ASP.NET Core. But this implementation is using MailKit nuget package. It is from Jeffrey Stedfast, and licensed under MIT.

End to end testing angular js apps with XUnit and Protractor.Net

April 26, 2016 by Anuraj

C# XUnit Protractor Angular JS Testing

Protractor is an end-to-end test framework for AngularJS. The official version is built on Node.js and Selenium WebDriverJS. Protractor.NET, a .NET port of Protractor built on top of Selenium WebDriver for .NET. It allows us to write Angular UI tests using .NET testing frameworks such as NUnit, MSTest or XUnit. This post is about writing End to End tests for angular app with XUnit and Protractor.Net. Unlike WebDriver, Protractor understands Angular digest cycle and blocks until the digest cycle has finished, which helps us to write better test code. As I want to test my ASP.NET Core application, I choose XUnit, instead of NUnit or MS Test. Here is my project.json. Protractor is not available for DNX Core, so I had to remove that reference.

Uploading Images – ASPNET Core and DropzoneJS

April 25, 2016 by Anuraj

C# ASPNET5 ASPNET Core DropzoneJS Drag and Drop

DropzoneJS is an open source library that provides drag and drop file uploads with image previews. It is lightweight, does not depend on any other library (like jQuery) and is highly customizable. This post is about implementing Upload images with drag and drop feature in ASP.NET Core and DropzoneJS.

Using Azure Document DB in ASP.NET Core

April 22, 2016 by Anuraj

C# ASPNET5 ASPNET Core Azure Document DB

Azure DocumentDB is Microsoft’s multi-tenant distributed database service for managing JSON documents at Internet scale. DocumentDB indexing enables automatic indexing of documents without requiring a schema or secondary indices. DocumentDB is designed to provide real-time consistent queries in the face of very high rates of document updates. This post is about using Azure Document db from ASP.NET Core application.

Building a private nuget repository using Klondike

April 19, 2016 by Anuraj

Visual Studio nuget Klondike

NuGet is a free and open-source package manager designed for the Microsoft development platform (formerly known as NuPack). Nuget is a great way to share packages in between teams. This post is about setting up your own nuget server for your company or team. This post is using Klondike, which is web application, instead of building my own using nuget.server package. Klondike is an web application you deploy to your own web server or to the cloud that works as a private NuGet package feed for storing private packages your organization creates. Klondike can also automatically restore packages sourced from 3rd party feeds, such as the public feed, to keep your build server humming even when is unavailable.

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