Verify Internet connection is available using C#

December 01, 2014 by Anuraj

.Net .Net 4.0 Windows 7 Windows Forms WPF

While reviewing some code, I found a snippet for checking internet connection, like this

private static bool IsConnectedtoInternet()
	bool IsConnectedtoInternet;
		using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
			using (client.OpenRead(""))
				IsConnectedtoInternet = true;
		IsConnectedtoInternet = false;
	return IsConnectedtoInternet;

I found this way of internet connection availablilty many times, but most of the times it was :) So I thought of writing the correct way (at least from my prespective) of verifying internet connection. For this I am using a WIN32 API, InternetGetConnectedState method, from wininet.dll. And here is the snippet.

private extern static bool InternetGetConnectedState
    (out int Description, int ReservedValue);
private static bool IsConnectedtoInternet()
    int description;
    return InternetGetConnectedState(out description, 0);

Happy Programming :)

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