
Blog posts on .NET, Azure, and more.

Automate Security Testing with ZAP and GitHub Actions

June 08, 2022 by Anuraj

DevSecOps DevOps Github Actions

This post is about running automated security tests on your web application with the help OWASP ZAP and GitHub Actions. In GitHub actions, OWASP ZAP provides a baseline scan feature which helps to find common security faults in a web application without doing any active attacks. The ZAP baseline action scans a target URL for vulnerabilities and maintains an issue in GitHub repository for the identified alerts. We can configure this action in Github public and private repositories. To get started first create an empty GitHub repository. And once it is created, click on the Actions tab. Either choose the Skip this and set up a workflow yourself option or select Simple workflow actions.

Handling multiple submit buttons in a single form in ASP.NET Core

June 07, 2022 by Anuraj


This post is about how to work with multiple submit buttons in aspnet core form. Sometimes you have to use multiple submit buttons in a single form in ASP.NET Core. In HTML forms we can do this with the help of formaction attribute. But this attribute will not work in ASP.NET Core. In ASP.NET Core you need to use asp-action attribute instead.

Deploying a Static Site to Azure Using the az CLI

May 13, 2022 by Anuraj

Azure DevOps Github Actions

This post is about deploying a static sites to Azure storage account using Azure CLI and configuring GitHub actions to deploy the files. Recently I wrote a blog post on enabling Angular GZip encoding - in this post I am deploying the changes using Azure CLI and configuring a GitHub action to deploy the changes to storage account.

Setting up an Azure Virtual Machine as Azure DevOps build agent

May 12, 2022 by Anuraj

Azure DevOps

This post is about how we can setup as Azure Virtual Machine as Azure DevOps build agent. Recently I had to provision one virtual machine as Azure DevOps build agent. First we need to create an Azure Virtual machine. I created one with default configuration values.

Mapping a wildcard domain name to an Azure App Services

May 10, 2022 by Anuraj

Azure AppService

This post is about how we can map wild card domain to Azure App Service. Why we need to map wild card domains? When we are building SAAS applications it is a good practice to provision the tenants with your application sub domain. For example in case JIRA, when you create an instance your instance will be And you need wild card SSL as well for running the instance of HTTPS.

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