
Blog posts on .NET, Azure, and more.

Add natural language understanding to your bot - Part 1

November 03, 2020 by Anuraj

Azure BotFramework LUIS

This blog post is about adding natural language understanding to your bot. Language Understanding (LUIS) is a cloud-based API service that helps you to recognize the intent of user input and better direct the conversation flow.

Create a multi-container app using a Docker Compose to Azure App service

September 08, 2020 by Anuraj

Azure Docker

This post is about deploying a multi-container app to azure app service using Docker compose. To get started let us create an App Service with Docker first. In the portal, click on Create New, search for Web App and select the Web App option.

Initialize MS SQL Server in Docker container - creating database at startup

September 07, 2020 by Anuraj

SQLServer Docker

Few days back I wrote a blog post about initializing SQL Server while running a docker-compose command. In that implementation I was using another docker image to run the migrations. In this post I am creating a dockerfile, some shell scripts and the SQL Script file which will create the database while running the docker-compose up command.

RESTful API versioning with ASP.NET Core

September 05, 2020 by Anuraj

AspNetCore REST

This blog post will discuss about the commonly used API Versioning strategies and how to implement them in ASP.NET Core Web API.

Docker compose an ASP NET Core application with SQL Server

August 29, 2020 by Anuraj

AspNetCore Docker

This blog post is about containerizing an ASP.NET Core Application with SQL Server. In this blog post I will explain how to run the migrations as part of the deployment process.

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