
Blog posts on .NET, Azure, and more.

Locate in TFS - Visual Studio Extension

November 12, 2015 by Anuraj

Visual Studio TFS

This post is about a small but useful Visual Studio Extension, Locate in TFS. This extension will help you to locate the currently selected item in solution explorer, in Source control explorer.

ASPNET 5 EntityFramework.SQLite for x64 platform

November 06, 2015 by Anuraj

aspnet5 sqlite

By default EntityFramework.SQLite will not work with x64 platform. Here is the tweak which helps you to target your ASP.NET 5 application for x64 platform.

Configuring ASP.NET identity with Sqlite

November 04, 2015 by Anuraj

aspnet5 sqlite autofac

This post is about configuring the ASP.NET identity with Sqlite Database. In ASP.NET5, you can configure the identity to use Sqlite by modifying the DbContext. Instead of using SqlServer, you can use Sqlite.

Dependency injection with AutoFac in ASP.NET 5

October 31, 2015 by Anuraj

aspnet5 Dependency injection codeproject autofac

ASP.NET5 comes with inbuilt dependency injection framework. This post is about using Autofac DI framework instead the in built DI framework. You can find more details about ASP.NET5 DI Framework in ASP.NET5 DependencyInjection respository. And you can find more details about Autofac in Autofac documentation

Enabling GZip Compression in ASP.NET5

October 23, 2015 by Anuraj

aspnet5 dnx codeproject Compression

Compression is an easy and effective way to reduce the size and increase the speed of communication between a client and remote resource. Two common compression algorithms used on the web are GZip and Deflate. The Accept-Encoding header is used by a client to restrict the encoding types that are acceptable in the response.

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